Kid vs. Kat Wiki
Mrs. Munson
"Old Lady Munson"
Full name

Annie Lucia Munson

First appearance

Let The Games Begin



Played by

Linda Sorenson

Last appearance

The Incredible Shrinking Coop

Mrs. Annie Lucia Munson (Nicknamed Old Lady Munson by some neighbours) is a nagging old woman who is the next-door neighbour of the Burtonburgers, as well as the secondary antagonist. She is grumpy and mean to the males and females of the main cast, but has a soft spot for Millie. It is unknown exactly how old she is, she was elderly when Burt was a child, and even when several senior residents of the street were still children. She has testified to having at least 6 husbands and to having battled Dodo birds. She has collected a massive stash of toys she's confiscated after they fell into her yard over the years; until Coop caused the storage house to explode, raining down decades worth of toys all over the neighbourhood, returning them to rightful owners. When someone (usually Mr. Kat) causes trouble for her, she usually blames Coop, and yells "BURTONBURGER!". Millie is the only kid she has been shown treating kindly, even despite being Fiona's great great great great niece. She is Captain Blasteroid's aunt.

She is a member of the Bootsville gardening club and the Gnome Appreciation club. Her age is likely exaggerated as a running gag, such as Burt saying she doesn't "Look a day over 200!"

In Coop D'Etat, as she was shown being arrested for wrecking the museum. It is unknown how long she was sentenced. (Correction) Her last appearance was in The Incredible Shrinking Coop.

In Kat to the Future Part 2, Her new name was Old Major Munson.


Old Lady Munson is an elderly and obese lady, shown be in her 60s - 80s.

She had wrinkles even when she was younger, indicating she might have been in her 40s or 50s at the time.

Episode Appearances[]

Season 1[]

  1. Let the Games Begin
  2. Trespassers Will Be Persecuted 
  3. Me-Oh Me-Oh Meow
  4. Cookie D'Uh
  5. Nip/Duck
  6. Search and De-Toy
  7. Class Act
  8. Hypnokat
  9. You'll Be Show Sorry
  10. How the Test was Won
  11. I'm Okay, You're a Kat
  12. Dial "B" For Babysitter
  13. The Grass is Always Meaner
  14. U.F. Float
  15. House of Scream
  16. Pet Peeved (brief appearance)
  17. Don't Give Me No Static (cameo)
  18. Storm Drained
  19. Fishy Frisky Business
  20. Teed Off
  21. Something Fishy in Owl Lake
  22. Crouching Cooper, Hidden Kat (No lines)
  23. Tom-Kat Foolery
  24. In Dog We Trust
  25. Catch My Drift
  26. Suddenly Last Summer
  27. The Kitty Vanishes
  28. Outer Space Chase
  29. Buzz Off
  30. Fat Kat
  31. Stall That Jazz
  32. Trick or Threat
  33. Hack Kattack
  34. Kid vs. Kat vs. Christmas Part 1
  35. Kid vs. Kat vs. Christmas Part 2

Season 2[]

  1. Something About Fiona
  2. Flea Brains
  3. Cheeks of Evil
  4. Reap it and Weep
  5. Nuff' Said
  6. Rhymes With Coop
  7. Bringin' the Heat
  8. Kat to the Future Part 1
  9. Kat to the Future Part 2
  10. Down the Drain
  11. 9 to 5 to Oblivion
  12. When Bad Dogs Go Big
  13. The Bottygaurd
  14. Swap Wrecked
  15. Never Cry Sheep
  16. You Kat See Me
  17. King of the Pipsqueaks
  18. Down the Creek
  19. Board Kat
  20. The Treasure of Sierra Munson
  21. Drive-In Me Crazy
  22. Hot Dog Day
  23. You Scream, I Scream (Potato Shape)
  24. Good Luck Harm
  25. Bootsville's Most Wanted
  26. Kat of Diamonds
  27. Coop D'Etat (Arrested)
  28. The Incredible Shrinking Coop (Final Appearance)


She is grouchy, cranky, nosy old woman, grumpy, mean, and very selfish to all the children and adults and she only has a soft spot to Millie and not many others. She likes peace and quiet and her lawn. She also likes her lawn gnomes.

in Good Luck Harm Millie says that Mrs. Munson has lucky Underwear and that she never leaves home without them. Kat spies these bloomers on a clothesline, they are pink with frilled bottoms and have pictures of leprechaun heads and horseshoes on them. After the black cat destroys Kat's good luck amulet (which they were incorporated into) she blames Coop for stealing her "lucky bloomers".

In another episode, Millie said she asked Mrs. Munson to adopt her and Mister Kat and that she agreed to this.

She is a big fan of Captain Blasteroid, Coop and Dennis' favorite TV show. This may be due to her being related to the star.

She may teach tango, seen in Kat of Diamonds.

She always her teenee bikini when she steps outside giving Burt and his childhood friends nightmares ever since in Bringin' the Heat.




  • She has a shed where she keeps all the toys that touch her lawn; on top of that, her lawn is equipped with motion-sensitive lasers, a hidden keyhole in one of her gnomes, and a voice-activated lock.
  • She has a name for many of her Garden Gnomes, it is not clear if she names them or if these are brand names. When brought to life, the gnomes know their names.
  • She is the only person to use Kat's Collar beside Kat.
  • She holds a trophy for the best and most creative monster, won with help from Kat and Coop's shenanigans.
  • She doesn't like Kat although Millie said Munson agreed to adopt them both once and the fact that she reported Coop for harassing Kat.
  • She has an elf on the roof of her house.
  • She has about 170 gnomes.
  • She probably dislikes being called "Old Lady Munson" as when characters begin to call her by that nickname in her presence they quickly studder and correct themselves.
  • Her first name is Annie.
  • She has a similar attitude to Miss Chicarelli, from Disney's "Kick Buttowski" series.
  • Annie Lucia Munson in Kit vs kat similar Horace Nebbercracker in Monster House.
  • She is so Ungrateful to Coop, Burt, Dennis, and Fiona.
  • She is often debated as the funniest Disney XD antagonist.


  • "Oh, hello Millie."
  • "Aha! Like father, like son!"
  • "You could never bother me Millie dear"
  • Coop and Phoebe sitting in a tree, KISSING!


Kat Powers | Collar (Powers) | Scratching post | X-Rays | Family | Inventions
Burtonburgers Coop Burtonburger | Burt Burtonburger (Rat) | Millie Burtonburger | Grandfather Burtonburger | Grandmother Burtonburger | Aunt Beatrix
Major characters Dennis Chan | Old Lady Munson | Growler | Phoebe | Henry Chan | Lorne | Harley | Fiona | Mr. Gerber | Miss Brannigan | Foreman and Paicot
Kat Nebulans Kat Kommander | Dr. K | Mr. Kitten | Kat's Soldiers | Kat's Family | Tutankitty | Chubby Cheeks
Villains Mr. Cheeks | Kyle Dustin | Mabel | Todd Kronklin | Buck Diamond | Lloyd
Others Captain Blasteroid | Principal Dilegard | Charlene | Pet Doctor | Estelle | Molly | Phoebe's father | Dennis' Mom | Humphrey Spoolman | Harriet | Dwayne | Dizzy | Senior officer | Rookie | Neapolitan | Butterscotch
Animals Honey Fluff | Cacciatore | Bongo Boingo | Bruiser | Josephine | Black cat | Hamster Squad