Kid vs. Kat Wiki
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Welcome to the Kid vs. Kat Wiki, an encyclopedia of all things presented in the popular television show Kid vs. Kat. This site uses MediaWiki software, which allows any user to edit or create pages. This site started on May 10, 2009, and currently contains 1,319 articles. All episodes are available on Youtube. Here the links to them: or

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Kid Vs Kat 1-8-1 (54)

How The Test Was Won

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Did you know?


That Coop and Burt have the same hair?


That there is only one bit of high grapics in the show, and that when kat was on the power lines


That for every one bit of human food kat eats he puts on 1 pound of weight?


That the Burtonburgers mother isn't mention in any of the episodes


That at the end of "Under Destruction" Coop finally has the proof to bust kat, but he doesn't


Did you know Coop and Dennis are the only ones who know that Kat is from outerspace?


Did you know Coop and his hero Captain Blastroid have the same initials (C.B)?


Did you know Coop doesn't feel irony?


Did you know Coop has a heart of gold?


Did you know Coop is a talented magician?