Kid vs. Kat Wiki

Kat is a cat-like alien which,upon arriving to Earth,was adopted by Millie as a stray cat. It hates Coop because he

File:Kat cat 02.png


stole his alien collar to see who it belongs, but blew it up, removing its teleporting function. Kat seizes every opportunity to harm or even kill Coop. Kat, however, is good to Millie,mainly because she feeds him every day with Fishy Frisky Bits. When he is not seen or not trying to do something to Coop, he tries to find a way to send Fishy Frishy Bits back home, trying to contact his home planet, or trying to get back home. He is so good towards Millie, in a episode he even tried to save her! He is a scientistic genius, as he was able to combine a sculpting machine and a lantern into a LIGHTSABER! He is also part cyborg,and sometimes his eyes glow red because of his rage. He gets extremely angry when somebody steals his food, as demonstrated in "Happy Campers".

In "Nip/Duck", his cybernetic and complex organism is fully shown thanks to an x-ray: Kat is more machine than organic being and he has two brains and three lungs. His brains are not robotic, but each one of them is connected to a motherboard. The X-ray doesn't show clearly if his paws and his eyes are mechanical or not, but several hints suggest that they're artificial too. He has three strange machines inside his body, one in the throat and two in the belly; their function is unknown, but the machines in the belly seem to be a prosthetic heart and an artificial stomach.

Coop believes Mr. Kat is totally evil and ill-intentioned, but he actually has a good side since he's truly affectionate towards Millie and his girlfriend, who is shown in "The Kitty Vanishes".


  • Heat emanation
  • Heat vision
  • Teleport
  • Acid spit
  • Hard claws
  • Razor-sharp claws and fangs
  • Pulse manipulation
  • Intelligence
  • Exentable tail
  • Fitting in tight spots