Kat's family is not shown in many episodes, but, so far Kat looks like to miss them very much, and Kats leader is not his father, as Rob Boutilier, the creator of Kid vs Kat confirmed in the Kid vs Kat Aswers Wiki([1]).
- Kat's Leader has aggression against Kat for unknown reasons, but maybe because Kat is sometimes lazy and he is not always successful at doing his work.
Characters | |
Kat | Powers | Collar (Powers) | Scratching post | X-Rays | Family | Inventions |
Burtonburgers | Coop Burtonburger | Burt Burtonburger (Rat) | Millie Burtonburger | Grandfather Burtonburger | Grandmother Burtonburger | Aunt Beatrix |
Major characters | Dennis Chan | Old Lady Munson | Growler | Phoebe | Henry Chan | Lorne | Harley | Fiona | Mr. Gerber | Miss Brannigan | Foreman and Paicot |
Kat Nebulans | Kat Kommander | Dr. K | Mr. Kitten | Kat's Soldiers | Kat's Family | Tutankitty | Chubby Cheeks |
Villains | Mr. Cheeks | Kyle Dustin | Mabel | Todd Kronklin | Buck Diamond | Lloyd |
Others | Captain Blasteroid | Principal Dilegard | Charlene | Pet Doctor | Estelle | Molly | Phoebe's father | Dennis' Mom | Humphrey Spoolman | Harriet | Dwayne | Dizzy | Senior officer | Rookie | Neapolitan | Butterscotch |
Animals | Honey Fluff | Cacciatore | Bongo Boingo | Bruiser | Josephine | Black cat | Hamster Squad |