Kid vs. Kat Wiki

"Turn The Other Cheeks" is the 42nd episode of Kid vs. Kat and the 16th episode of Season 2. It aired on March 26, 2011 with Birthday Bashed.

Plot Summary[]

Mr. Cheeks comes back for revenge on Kat, but through a mishap finds himself unarmed when Lorne and Harley adopted him as their new pet and got him to help them with their homework. Meanwhile, Millie wants to get a "First aid" medal, with help from Kat; Coop and Dennis go to Space Voyager Camp but when Lorne and Harley sumbitted their homework Mr Cheeks done, Mr. Gerber wants them to attend this year trip as their guest of honour of their 'geniuses'.

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  • Cheeks hitches a ride on the truck driven by Harly and Lorne's mom who drives with a bandaged bare left foot.
  • Cheeks instructs the brothers to attach the green capacitor (wire) to the photon attenuator (little shiny thingy)
  • He says a wrong move would scatter them all across 3 galaxies
  • Burt didn't appeared throughout the episode except at the last scene in the kitchen.
  • Coop and Dennis encountered Mr. Cheeks for the first time except for Cheeks of Evil.


Turn The Other Cheeks (Image Shop)

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