Kid vs. Kat Wiki
Captain Blasteroid
Captain Blasteroid
Captain Blasteroid's bare face
Full name

Captain Blasteroid

First appearance

Outer Space Case



Played by


Last appearance

Blasteroid Blues

Captain Blasteroid is the Hero from Coop and Dennis' favorite TV show. Coop frequently wants his dad Burt to buy him everything Captain Blasteroid related, like the bubble-helmet. He plays a big role in Blasteroid Blues.

He makes a secret visit in person to Old Lady Munson in Outer Space Case. Coop and Dennis needed to know why he see her until it was revealed to be her nephew. Although Millie and Kat were invited to Old Lady Munson's house for tea, Coop and Dennis wanted to get to the bottom of this. The Boys finally get to meet him in person before Dad came in and grounded Coop for the next two months for breaking his promise to him. He plans on showing his new movie, Millie was excited because she can spoiler it for Coop making her evil like Kat.


Captain is normally a military rank. It is unclear if that is the case here or if Captain is actually his forename.

Blasteroid is a portmanteau of "blaster" and "asteroid".

Closed captions often mistakenly tell the deaf it is spelled "Blastoid".

TV guide descriptions also mistakenly abbreviate it as "Blasto".



Kat Powers | Collar (Powers) | Scratching post | X-Rays | Family | Inventions
Burtonburgers Coop Burtonburger | Burt Burtonburger (Rat) | Millie Burtonburger | Grandfather Burtonburger | Grandmother Burtonburger | Aunt Beatrix
Major characters Dennis Chan | Old Lady Munson | Growler | Phoebe | Henry Chan | Lorne | Harley | Fiona | Mr. Gerber | Miss Brannigan | Foreman and Paicot
Kat Nebulans Kat Kommander | Dr. K | Mr. Kitten | Kat's Soldiers | Kat's Family | Tutankitty | Chubby Cheeks
Villains Mr. Cheeks | Kyle Dustin | Mabel | Todd Kronklin | Buck Diamond | Lloyd
Others Captain Blasteroid | Principal Dilegard | Charlene | Pet Doctor | Estelle | Molly | Phoebe's father | Dennis' Mom | Humphrey Spoolman | Harriet | Dwayne | Dizzy | Senior officer | Rookie | Neapolitan | Butterscotch
Animals Honey Fluff | Cacciatore | Bongo Boingo | Bruiser | Josephine | Black cat | Hamster Squad