Bruiser is a dog first seen in the episode In Dog We Trust. "Coop's pet" and a menace to Kat. It was named for its huge size. Coop Adopts it as his pet and bodyguard. Coop needs Dog Bodyguard Even it was named for Huge Size Dog Because Kat is doing Bad for Coop, Coop persuaded Dad to let him keep the dog without a tantrum, In First Burt Don’t know if Coop let him keep it on for his Dog, and Finally Burt allowed Coop to let keep it on for the Dog Because Burt just make a deal and he accepted only if he can't find the owner; and prove he's responsible enough to care for him The Dog can stay and then Coop was thankful for Burt Because Burt Allowed Coop to Keep it on to his dog, and then Bruiser is a good dog even he it was named for was a huge size animal. Coop was only playing with the dog, while it chased Kat always. When Dad knew that Coop was not finding the owner of the dog, and Kat fell behind the search for the owner. They Coop was training with The Dog using the Dog Whistle and then Coop showed it to Burt, when it checking it out. When Kat got to know about the owner and the whistle power. At night, Kat takes Coop's whistle and trained Bruiser, and made him a "Menace", and they Millie was playing with Coop and The Dog, while it re-trained by Kat to Destroy the house, while the final Kat dialled the number and showed it to Burt, and when The Dog left, Kat was very happy to Keep it on for doing Bad for Coop, and Then Coop trained Kat like training The Dog.
Actions by Bruiser[]
Bruiser defend Coop Burtonburger and Chase Kat
Made by Bruiser[]
Bruiser is a good dog even he’s a huge size, Bruiser is a one of Coop’s Pet, and He’s doing rights and Kat doing wrong.
Attitude List | Yes | No | Maybe |
Tantrums | / | ||
Obeying to boss with Dog whistle of his boss | / | ||
Defender and one of chasing the bad people(s) or animal(s) | / |
Discussion Questions about Bruiser[]
1) Why Coop Burtonburger Adopted Bruiser as his Pet and Bodyguard?[]
2) Why Coop not finding the owner of dog?[]
3) Why Bruiser is a good dog in Coop’s house than Mr. Kat?[]
4) Why Coop needs Bodyguards that he have chance to adopt Bruiser?[]
5) Why Coop needs Dog Whistle during to train his dog[]
- Coop is Boss of the Dog
- Coop is Player of the Dog, while it chased Kat
Millie Burtonburger[]
Burt Burtonburger[]
Kat will be Enemy of The Dog Because He doing Bad for Coop
Hobbies in Rights[]
1) Menacing Kat
2) Obeying Coop, when Coop was training with The Dog
3) Bodyguards for Coop
4) Chasing Kat, When Coop was playing with The Dog
Hobbies in Wrongs[]
1) Obeying Kat while Kat was training with The Dog on Bad order
2) Destroying The House that re-trained by Kat, when Millie was Playing with The Dog
Characters | |
Kat | Powers | Collar (Powers) | Scratching post | X-Rays | Family | Inventions |
Burtonburgers | Coop Burtonburger | Burt Burtonburger (Rat) | Millie Burtonburger | Grandfather Burtonburger | Grandmother Burtonburger | Aunt Beatrix |
Major characters | Dennis Chan | Old Lady Munson | Growler | Phoebe | Henry Chan | Lorne | Harley | Fiona | Mr. Gerber | Miss Brannigan | Foreman and Paicot |
Kat Nebulans | Kat Kommander | Dr. K | Mr. Kitten | Kat's Soldiers | Kat's Family | Tutankitty | Chubby Cheeks |
Villains | Mr. Cheeks | Kyle Dustin | Mabel | Todd Kronklin | Buck Diamond | Lloyd |
Others | Captain Blasteroid | Principal Dilegard | Charlene | Pet Doctor | Estelle | Molly | Phoebe's father | Dennis' Mom | Humphrey Spoolman | Harriet | Dwayne | Dizzy | Senior officer | Rookie | Neapolitan | Butterscotch |
Animals | Honey Fluff | Cacciatore | Bongo Boingo | Bruiser | Josephine | Black cat | Hamster Squad |