Kid vs. Kat Wiki

Josh247tyson Josh247tyson 24 May 2024

My thoughts on Something About Fiona Episode

I liked this episode of Kid vs Kat. But there were a few things I didn't like about in the episode.

  • Kat making Coop look bad.

  • Coop meets Fiona
  • Coop kisses Fiona
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Zander109Kat Zander109Kat 20 January 2024


One question? If there was a Season 3, what would be your ideas?

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AutisticGirl2008 AutisticGirl2008 18 September 2023

Anyone here?

Hello, I have a question if you don't mind answering. Have anyone been messing up pages in this wiki?

If this blog is unnecessary, I'll try to delete it or something. I'm sorry.

I'm just curious.

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UniqueKvsK&Tatu UniqueKvsK&Tatu 23 August 2023

I wish there was a Season 3. But all I know that it will never happen.

I really love Kid vs Kat but Rob Boutilier doesn't have plans for a 3rd season.

Somebody on YouTube said that the series wasn't cancelled but there weren't any plans for a 3rd season.

I'm new to this wiki so I'm just explaining how I feel.

Does that make sense.

I'm afraid for replies and comments for this moment.

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AutisticGirl2008 AutisticGirl2008 23 August 2023

Sup Guys.

insert hello emoji*

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UniqueKvsK&Tatu UniqueKvsK&Tatu 23 August 2023



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NurnbergFan NurnbergFan 20 January 2022

Phoebe beautiful!

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Kidvskatfan197628 Kidvskatfan197628 3 December 2018

Sky The Alien Kat

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Pyschopasta Pyschopasta 26 September 2018


Lou was created by Ailuro Rhapsody on countless Wikis; he does a Kid vs Kat episode called, "Give The Devil His Due"; The little information we have on Lou is that he is, like Kat, a Catnipian, alien-cyborg cat only he is also half demon and it´s possible that he's one of The Devil's creations. Lou has red velvet skin, black eyes, horns, and three spikes on his back.

He grew up with several mental disorders during his childhood, making it difficult for him to fit in with "normal Catnipians". He was constantly bullied by his classmates for his disabilities and was ultimately deemed unsuited for a public school surrounding, so he switched to homeschooling. While he received plenty of support from his mother and older brother Phillip, his fathe…

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Katofdeath98 Katofdeath98 9 July 2018

Kid vs Kat - Possible Season 3 Image

Hey guys! I was recently surfing the web, when I came across a picture of what looked like the aftermath of the season 2 finale. If any of you guys think it could be official, please notify me in the comments below. Other than that, see for yourself!

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Ideas for future Kid vs. Kat episodes

Disclaimer: Not all ideas listed here are mine. Some belong to Chansep2009 , indicated by an italicized title.

  • 1 Season 3
    • 1.1 General Notes
    • 1.2 Episode Ideas
  • 2 Season 4
    • 2.1 General Notes
    • 2.2 Episode Ideas

  • Make Fiona appear more (about once every 4 half-episodes) and Phoebe much less (once every 7 half-episodes)
  • Return Fiona's memory in her first appearance
  • Create a half-hour special about every 8 or 9 episodes (specifically, episodes 8, 17, and 26)
  • 1 short for every 2 full episodes
  • Introduce a new female character named Jaime in episode 8, who becomes a substitute for Fiona sometimes
  • Bring back Mr. Cheeks for 3 or 4 half-episodes
  • 26 full episodes

1a: Camera Shy: In an attempt to prove Kat is an alien, Coop hides security cameras around the house, and Kat has…

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Katofdeath98 Katofdeath98 26 September 2017


The tv show Kid Vs Kat is going to have it's TENTH ANNIVERSERY next year!

If anyone would like me to suggest some celebration ideas for the wiki itself, please comment down below.

Also if possible, we may be able to see if Rob can just give the series one last go. But, he may have to make the plots more interesting that they already are.

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Harold Crane Harold Crane 12 February 2017


This is the best show i have ever watched.

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TheStarsoftheSkies TheStarsoftheSkies 15 March 2016

Admin requests is closed

As of March 2016, Admin requests is closed forever. Thank you for your contributions.

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Kat is my favourite character.

I like his Gadgets

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Gene Khan Gene Khan 31 December 2015


Kat is my favourite Character in the series .

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DarkJazmin11 DarkJazmin11 2 September 2015

Top Navigation.

I notice that the Top Navigation has changed, worst, on the Characters section are the main characters. 

What if I want to check about other characters? 

Do I have to just search instead of going on the Top Nagivation and just click it?

I was easier that way.

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DarkJazmin11 DarkJazmin11 2 September 2015


I decided to change my username.

Reason? Well to be frank, my L key is dead and I can't be arsed to use the On Screen  Keyboard all the time.

Dark Jazmin is my first character I ever made during a Role Play and the 11 stands for 2011 :P

I hope to be more often in here.

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DarkJazmin11 DarkJazmin11 31 August 2015

Just a thought to throw away the "dead" zone

Alright, as you all know, most of us are very busy with School, College, Work or with own projects. I notice the it will be no more other Season of Kid Vs Kat.  Don't worry, as I created my own KvK, so you can too!! I propose that every Contributor, Memeber, User and Admins to show their creativity and to be shared monthly in different websites. I want one and every each artist, writer to be notice. Since is hard to be notice and I can see there's a lot of KvK's Fan's here. How about a special place by the name "Your KvK" ? Where you can submit your own KvK story. Either it is a continue to the original show or started from scratch, but adding something new and different. Drawings and Stories, is up to you, your ideas and creativity!! I wa…

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TheStarsoftheSkies TheStarsoftheSkies 24 August 2015

Meaning of the Head of admins

A head of admins is only one admin that have high authority, responsibility and a lot of experience among all other admins. If a admin is a head of admins, all admins must follow his/her own rules. Any rule-breaking on this wikia will have the admin be investigated. If a admin who found guilty is also a bureaucrat, he/she will surrender his/her bureaucrat rights. If a admin does anything illegal (example down below), he/she will be demoted by the head of admin. All admins will be supervised by the head of admin. If a head of admin is inactive, resigned or died, a vote will take place to elect a new one. The head of admins (even old ones) will not be blocked for their wrongdoing unless if he/she does anything illegal (e.g. death threats, te…

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Parsonsda Parsonsda 12 March 2015

I'm am Still here. Just watching :3

I got many of you people asking if im dead or such or begin contacted on other sites, im still here for the site but I lost the magic i used to have on wiki, as you know I love this wiki and feel it was amazing what it done to people, thoe Im no longer active on wiki itself, I stand and watch the amazing edits and things you people have made, im really proud of you all! and hope your all well.

What of me you ask? I got more in 3D animation which requires my full attention, so you understand why I'm not here, but if you need me please feel free to conact me, always here to answer questions, but not much editor myself anymore :/ anyway hellloooo :3

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DarkJazmin11 DarkJazmin11 26 January 2015

Some Errors.

Now that I have some time to chek on here, I  notice that I don't get any notifications when someone writes on my profile wall page. Is this kind error or what? 

Technical problems is not really my thing ^^;

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DarkJazmin11 DarkJazmin11 26 January 2015

Good old days.

Hi there. It's been 2 years since I last posted my blog in here. I do have this page on my bookmark, but then I just easly get distracted to other things. Mainly I just  draw, since I got a tablet , I lost interest in my own story of KvK2 and drawing it too :(  Damn you technology T^T

I even forgot the simple codes that works in here. On the other hand I just got into the Furry world so I can experiment more and to keep on with the "trend" ^^; My plans for the future is just drawing, drawing and much DRAWING.

Just checking hows  the rest of the people here :) I hope you had a good year and hope you will have some good year. 

~Cheers :D 

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TheStarsoftheSkies TheStarsoftheSkies 5 December 2014

Adminship, here I come!

Since I'm editing I think it's time for me to take a journey to become an admin on this wiki. The reason for that is that this wiki hasn't used in for many days by admins ever since November. I have many edits to go before I become a admin of this wiki. My journey begins tonight. My journey will not end until I become an admin.

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Djeidi Djeidi 17 November 2014


Hi everybody! I just want to ask you which of these OC you like? 

1. Raven

OR 2. Radu

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Star297 Star297 22 May 2014

KvK Season 3

Hey everyone,we heard that season 3 is not coming so we should write a email something to Rob Boutiler saying that "please make season 3" annd if its works season 3 will come this is the only plan i have got.Star297 (talk) 08:52, May 22, 2014 (UTC)

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Hellno2014 Hellno2014 7 September 2013

kid vs kat 3.0 needs help.

the problem is that they have no people to voice the charcters. if you can voice any of the charcters then reply to this. it does not matter if you are not perfect. just as long you sound like them. when you reply write what charcter or charcters you want to play as and what your name is. remember this can save kid vs kat 3.0. please help.

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Chansep2009 Chansep2009 18 July 2013

KvK 3.0 project isn't happening; bad news!

Hey everyone, sorry I haven't blogged in a while, but I just wanted to let you guys know that the KvK 3.0 is cancelled, and I don't know how that happened, guess everyone just forgot about it I guess. Apparently, Rob Boutiler (creator of KvK original) has directed a new show called "Packages From Planet X". That's sad to hear, but you guys can still enjoy watching the episodes on YouTube. I'm really sorry about all this, I wish there was something I could do about KvK coming back for a third season, but you never know. Out of the blue, YTV & Disney XD could change their minds in time about a third season and bringing it back or at least having a movie for the series. That would be really neat to have if there wasn't a third season. Again, …

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Tato982 Tato982 10 April 2013

Kvsk Season 3!!!

Hey Guys! When do you think the new season will come out? 2013, 2014, or never? Plz comment

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Chansep2009 Chansep2009 6 April 2013

Season 3 of KvK; original show; not happening

Hey guys, I just wanted to apologize for the season 3 misunderstanding before with all the rumors, I was really talking about the KvK 3.0 project and I'm still not sure when that's coming out, but we're hoping this year. I just wanted to say that there won't be a third season for KvK original show right now. I'm not sure when or if it's going to happen. According to Rob Boutiler, YTV & DXD have produced 52 episodes which they thought was enough. Of course, there are a ton of new series out there coming to YTV & DXD at the moment, so they may have put the series aside due to all of the new series coming. If there ever is a third season, you can get it from Rob, or me, or any of my friends (BearTyrone1, Mick290491). We'll definitely keep you…

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Chansep2009 Chansep2009 16 February 2013

Feel free to send in your KvK episode & shorts ideas.

Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you know that if you have any episode or short ideas for the KvK 3.0 project, please feel free to send them to me anywhere or James Vancuren (BearTyrone1). We'll be sure to send them to Burtbolivia and he might consider using them. We definitely need ideas for shorts, because it's so hard to come up with them. BearTyrone1 has some ideas for shorts, so you can look at them on the Mr. Freak Wiki and you can add shorts to that or message us them. Let us know. Thanks everyone! =D

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Chansep2009 Chansep2009 6 February 2013

Still no news on the KvK 3.0 Project

Hey guys, sorry that I haven't been keeping you guys up to date on the KvK 3.0 project. I'm still not sure when it's going to premiere. Burtbolivia may be working on it right now, and we hope it'll premiere this time. We also hope there will be a third season for KvK (the original show) this year sometime. I'll let you guys know more and keep you up to date. Keep checking me at my websites like here, my Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ for any more information. Feel free to ask me any questions on Kid vs. Kat or the KvK 3.0 project. I'll be sure to get back to you guys! =D

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Star297 Star297 23 October 2012

kid vs kat 3.0 signature

Season 3 has a 500 singnature wait for my clip of season 3 and its here! I have gave 1 singnature to kid vs kat when i din' have a gmail account 3.0 is the best here are my season 3 plans i have made in youtube thank you and please subscribe my channel Anshul Diwanji.

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Chansep2009 Chansep2009 20 October 2012

Kid vs. Kat season 3 petition sent to YTV & DXD!

Hey guys, just to let you know that the KvK season 3 petition has reached it's goal at 500 signatures. So, I sent the petition to YTV & DXD. I'll let you if I get a reply from them. =D

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Chansep2009 Chansep2009 5 October 2012

My one and only Official Websites

Hey everyone, it's Chansep2009, and I just wanted to let you guys know that you all can check me out on the following social networking sites that are mine. (Chansep2009)

You can check me out on all of those sites. Those are my official, one and only websites that are mine. I'm on them daily, and if you want, feel free to contact me through any of those sites, if you have any questions on Kid vs. Kat, the KvK 3.0 project, anything, or if you want to start a conversation, then I'll try to reply back. Thanks everyone. =D

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Chansep2009 Chansep2009 5 October 2012

Update on the KvK 3.0 project

Hey everyone, it's Chansep2009, and just to let you all know that we never forgot or cancelled the KvK 3.0 project. We were hoping for it to premiere in September, 2012. That never happened, but I have to talk to Burtbolivia, the main director/creator of the project. I'll keep everyone updated. You can check me out here, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. You can message or tweet me, and I'll try to answer you guys back. If you guys have any questions, please feel free to ask. I'm on daily. We all want a third season for the real/original series, and I'm going to send my season 3 petition in again to YTV & DXD once we hit 500 signatures, so if you haven't signed, please sign to save Kid vs. Kat. Thank you so much everyone. =D

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Star297 Star297 21 September 2012

watch me on youtube

go to my youtube account called anshul diwanji see there my season 3 palns to check it go to myuser:star297

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DarkJazmin11 DarkJazmin11 8 July 2012

Doing stuff.

So here I am. Finally got some time to log on here. Oddly, I always wanted to log in here, but I keep forgeting it xD

I have other things to do, the same things, different days. I got addicted to website which includes chatroom, mainly on There is about art and stuffs. I made a lot of friends there. So who here have an account on that site, visit my profile on : There I have a lot of drawings, I will post some of them here. Honestly I learned alot about art and I keep improving my skills. I also learnedabout life, what is good and what is bad. I need to learn more. :P I made a group on deviantART about Kid vs Kat ( ) and a chatroom too …

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DeeDee2510 DeeDee2510 28 June 2012

New character

WARNING- This is only Fanon Kate is Kat´s younger sister. She is only alien cat who is good. She is adopted by Coop, after " visit " on earth. She hate his brother, but when is in danger, she save his. She have this powers:

  • Strong- She is very strong for her small height. But her strongestness is change- in some episodes is very strong ( picks up car ) and in some isnt very strong ( cant picks bed )
  • Speed- She is very speed, in fact can outperform
  • Telepatic powers- She can speak with other cats/humans with mind, read minds and see future.
  • She is very intelligent too


  • Personality- Nice, cute, smart, happy-go-lucky, sometimes rude and selfish
  • Appearance: Same as Kat, but she looks more than girl.
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Chansep2009 Chansep2009 27 May 2012

Working on the Kid vs. Kat 3.0 project now.

Hey guys, we're all working on the Kid vs. Kat 3.0 project right now. You guys will love it, because we'll try to get everything the same, such as: The voices, animation, and storyboards. It'll be just like the same as a regular season. Season 3 will be the best season yet. It should be done between: September, 2012-January, 2013. We kind of want it to premiere on either September 15, 2012, or September 22, 2012. Like Season 2 premiered in September. You guys will love it. Mick290491, KidvsKatRocks34 (Me), and BearTyrone1, will upload all the episodes every Saturday on YouTube, just like we've always done for new episodes of Kid vs. Kat. We're still thinking of Shorts, but it's kind of difficult. So, if you guys have shorts to share, then …

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Chansep2009 Chansep2009 27 May 2012

Kid vs. Kat The Movie: Slaves (By: Chansep2009)

Hey guys, so I was thinking of a Kid vs. Kat Movie to rap the series up after the series finale of Kid vs. Kat is over. Here's my idea: The movie could be called "Slaves", and the plot could be: Kat builds a device, that makes everyone his slaves. So, now everyone in the whole world is Kat's slave, and Coop escapes it. Coop is the only one who can save everyone, stop Kat, and stop the Kat Invasion. How will he do it?

That was my movie idea, you guys might like it, please comment below, tell me what you think of it. I also think Fiona should be in the Kid vs. Kat Movie. Then, Coop saves: Fiona, Dennis, Dad, Millie, and everyone else from being Kat's slave.

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Parsonsda Parsonsda 4 March 2012

Animation Nation - A Pilots Error - Transcript

This is Where the Main thing happen, the Story Transcript, this is the full plot for the show, all shown here will be in the episode! it the big blog!

(Introduction: Black + Voice Over)

  • Voice Over: Animation... Some call it Anime, Others call it Cartoons, call it as you wish, the meaning of the word is something that made up, something that impossible, something that so truly breath taking, we can't help but watch it and want more....

(Fades in on Marcus from Above)

  • Voice Over: ...But did you ever think that animation may not just be made up? ever thought that that there just like us?...

(Marcus awake and gets up, and looks left and right)

  • Voice Over:...And if you think that Weird, we're only just get started!

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I-Love-Millie-Burtonburger I-Love-Millie-Burtonburger 25 February 2012

Kid vs. Kat fanfiction: Coop's Wild Ride

Hi, it's me again. I-L-M-B.

I'm back and Kid vs. Kat is on hold for a while and I'm still a fan of the show.

Ever read a Kid vs. Kat fanfiction before? I have, a couple of times. Interesting plot. Would it be awesome if I wrote my own Kid vs. Kat fanfiction story? The story be interesting if it is.

I so love the KvK fanfiction, interesting plot, awesome fan characters. Stick around and I'll write a Kid vs. Kat fanfiction in the blog.

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Travisplatypus Travisplatypus 11 February 2012

Fanon Stuff

Hi! I just joined this today today and to be exact this is actually my first edit! I was just wondering if we can write fanfiction and other fanon stuff on this wiki like the T.U.F.F. Puppy Wiki or if there is a seperate wiki for that like Kid vs Kat Fanon Wiki. Please answer soon!

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Aang328 Aang328 30 January 2012

Episode 53: Mr.Kat is an Alien! / The Evil Kat

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Aang328 Aang328 29 January 2012

Kid vs Kat: New Story!

I'm making a new fanon, Kid vs Kat #2!

It is a fanon which continues Kid vs Kat after Episode 52.

Please reply if you want to subscribe.

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Parsonsda Parsonsda 12 January 2012

Bring The "K" Back Into Wikia!

Well, we're so close! All we need now is your help! Our current goal is to expand:

23 - Short Pages


0 - Stubs!

Total = 23 Pages to go!

Below is a List, all you have to do is edit, one by one, once a page is 300 kb in size, and the stubs are expanded, Kid vs. Kat will be in Wikia spotlight, all across the world, this means that the fan base will increase, and we may get Kid vs. Kat a 3rd season. With so many, there are more then 100 million Wikia, and rising every day! All you have to do is, once you expanded a page, comment below! and I'll remove it off the list! It's time to bring Kid vs. Kat to the Wikia Spotlight! Let's do this!

  • ‎Something Fishy In Owl Lake/Quotes [278 bytes]
  • ‎Fishy Frisky Business/References [279 bytes]
  • ‎Don't Give Me No S…

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KoolPrincessLunakaLunie KoolPrincessLunakaLunie 25 December 2011

Ponies Or Kats?

I'm from MLP FiM Wiki,so I'm very new here and want people to decide which is better: Ponies or Kats?

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Chansep2009 Chansep2009 24 December 2011

I'm Sending The Season 3 Petition In To YTV & Disney XD On Monday, December 26, 2011!

Hey everyone, Chansep2009 here, and just to let you all know that I'm sending the Petition for Season 3 to YTV and Disney XD on Monday, December 26, 2011. So let's hope for a Season 3, I'll let you all know what YTV and Disney XD decide. And check out my YouTube Channel "KidvsKatRocks34". To check back for updates, and more videos. Thanks guys! =)

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Parsonsda Parsonsda 24 December 2011

Kid vs Kat Wiki 2011 Review

Hia people, well 2011 is coming to an end, but this year we made mega progress! Here's what we've done this year:

  • New Background and Theme for wiki
  • Enabled the Message wall "Before" release
  • New Logo
  • New Images on our wiki show
  • Article Commenting is now on!
  • Birthdays are now on the Side banner of the side, so we can all see.
  • Loads of Images from User:Coop+Kat
  • Lots of Repairs to the wiki
  • Fixed the odd bug in old skin

Here's what will come next year

  • New Style to Kid vs Kat Answers Wiki
  • Possibility to launch of The "Animation Nation" that all you users helped make!
  • New videos on how to make your own animation.
  • More fun to come!

If there's anything you wish to tell us that we can improve on the wiki, please let us know, as we'll work on it as soon as possible,…

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